I'm really frustrated and annoyed by all of these Chic Fil A posts. I might just boycott them for a second year just because of the stupidity of all of this. I wish people would stop going on about "Freedom of Speech". No one said they couldn't have free speech; most feel like it was an unnecessary political statement made out of complete stupidity. I'm really frustrated by people posting statuses such as "We must stand up for Christian principals and values..." and this whole Chic Fil A gathering business. When did it become "us against THEM"? I guess, even though I'm a Christian I'm a "them". When people part take in things like this, it bolsters the idea that Christians are anti-gay. Sure, I'm glad Chic Fil A claims to have Christian values, but by taking on an "us against them" stance, you're in a sense making a statement about yourself. Christ didn't work that way. People have a misconception about Christ and the world. Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you choose "Team Jesus" and are automatically against the world. Wrong. We are supposed to fight against depravity, not fight with each other about life choices. Christianity is not a free ticket to meddling in people's personal lives...it's about having enough faith in God to pray for whoever; that He will build their lives up abundantly and bless them and lead them as He sees fit.
We are in this world but not of it.
That means WE STRIVE for holiness and are to drench people in Godly LOVE.
I think a lot of this has to do with a misconception in accountability. Accountability is NOT reprimand. When Christians turn it into this they make all of us look judgmental and overly critical; that wasn't Christ. Accountability is igniting the flame to keep fighting the good fight of FAITH. Accountability is being accountable for someone who needs YOU, you to love them, inspire them, encourage them and reveal Christ's glory through YOUR life to them.
I'm not going to even going to get into the fact that politics and religion should not mix. That is another underlying issue of all of this. People don't agree on the boundaries between religion and government. Christians think "standing up" against gays/the far left/the "world" is what Christ would have them do. That's a misconception. Standing up against "the world" means having the courage to live in a sick world on love and faith that tomorrow you'll be given your daily bread just as the birds are given theirs. Standing up against "the world" means having character and a strong moral fiber when it is so easy to cheat others, to cover your tracks, to come unglued or to quit.
Christ loves the gays as much as he loves you.
Sorry Charlie.
Hate to burst your pretentious bubble.
If Christ is anti-gay, he's also anti-YOU because if we're tallying "sins" your judgement is just as "poisonous" as their "alternative lifestyle".
Get over yourselves.
I personally will never again believe religion and government need to intertwine (that was a mistake I made as a political minion in high school). ALL Americans not just Christians deserve to worship and believe whatever they want and live the lifestyle they want. If people have Christ shoved down their throats their whole lives in a country where they are supposed to be free, we are turning people AWAY from God. It's HUMAN NATURE. And no one is going to take that seriously. This isn't a Christian nation. This is a free nation and we are Christians living in it. So stop putting your thumb on people by your vote just because you don't want to stand up and do the RIGHT thing in the eyes of Christ. If people lived the Christian example MIRACLES would happen. This Christian example has nothing to do with CHURCH or POLITICAL affiliation. This has to do with LOVE. Love people enough to give them their freedom...THEN if because of your example of Christ they want to choose Christianity...that's real. Be brave enough to let them choose for themselves. Be brave enough to give them the RIGHT to live their lives in the way they want. VALIDATE them. They are people, not an alternative species. They have hearts and minds and souls; they are made in the image of Christ...just like YOU. Who are YOU to judge them? Christ didn't appoint you for that job, so take one extra thing off your plate and relax at the end of the day because He's got everything under control. Christ gave you a choice to choose HIM. We as Christians don't give other people a CHOICE to CHOOSE Him. CHOICES DO NOT MAKE US MORE LOST. THEY ALLOW US TO EXPLORE THIS LIFE FOR ALL IT IS SO THAT WE MIGHT BE FOUND.
Get off the bandwagon already.
You think Christ is PROUD of this?
You didn't read the book right.
God's not anti-gay. Stop inflicting your own legalistic beliefs on Christ. Christ loved the lepers. Christ love the prostitutes. Christ scorned the Pharisees.
Take a look at yourself in the mirror.
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